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How to Avoid Baby Mama Drama

22 Mar

Dating someone who has a child brings with it a whole new level of responsibility and commitment. How do you proceed once the relationship turns serious? It’s best to try to get along with your partners ex for the child’s sake. They may try to push your buttons but you have to try to be the better women.

1.      Get rid of that label. Stop referring to the child’s parent as “baby mama” or “baby daddy”. View them as the other party involved in the creation of a precious little one. If the child is over the age of two, that term is definitely inappropriate.

2.      Avoid the baby’s mother let your significant other deal with them. Don’t feed into word slanging. Most likely they are jealous because you are with the father of their child. Be a lady. Don’t let them get under your skin

3.      You do have a say. You do deserve and should require respect as an authority figure. To gain this, you and your partner should define definite rules and maintain them at all times. Rules should be explained to the child early on and enforced by both you and your partner. It may be beneficial to have your partner explain to his or her child that you are an equal authority. Then you must establish yourself as that authority. You may be tempted to let the child slide on a few rules. Don’t do it. You’re not going to earn brownie points for being a pushover. This will only tell the child he or she doesn’t have to respect you. Develop a clear system of rewards and consequences, and stick to it. Discipline isn’t easy for anybody, but you won’t succeed in getting the child to follow the rules if you can’t follow them yourself.

Formorehelp with Baby Mama Drama checkout

7 Signs You’re in a Manipulative Relationship

22 Mar


Christine Donovan knew something wasn’t right in her relationship when she didn’t want to go home from work. “I felt anxious all the time,” she says. “I never knew what kind of mood he would be in, or if I had unknowingly done something that would have upset him.” But Christine wasn’t in an abusive relationship — at least none that she had ever seen. “He didn’t hit me or get violently angry. I just thought we were having normal relationship problems that we needed to work through,” she says.

The type of guy Christine was dealing with is all too common, but there’s nothing “normal” about it, says Dr. Mary Casey, author of “How to Deal With Master Manipulators”. “Manipulators aim to control their partners by pressing the buttons that get them emotional, whether it be making them feel afraid, unworthy, stupid, insecure, angry or frustrated,” she says. But because manipulators are typically passive-aggressive in their tactics, unlike domestic abuse, it can be difficult to tell when you’re in a manipulative relationship. “While abuse is obvious, victims of manipulation don’t even realize they are being manipulated because the manipulator masks their behavior as positive, caring and nurturing,” she says.

If you’re sad more often than happy in your relationship and something feels wrong but you just can’t put your finger on it, read on to see if you might be shacking up with a manipulative partner — and what you can do about it.

7 Signs You Might be Dating a Manipulator:

1. You’re always falling short of your partner’s expectations.
In an argument, the person being manipulated is often made to feel they are the ones at fault all of the time, says Casey. But what’s really going on is the manipulator is shifting the blame onto them and detracting in subtle, hard-to-detect ways. They’ll commonly say things like, “So we’re going to have the big interrogation are we?” or “Are you going to get all emotional again?”

2. You often feel guilty in your relationship and are always looking to repair the “damage.”
The manipulator is skilled at making people feel this way by saying things like “I spent all this money on this gift for you, and look how you thank me” or “You have trust issues — why don’t you trust me?”

3. You don’t often know where you stand with your partner.
A manipulative partner often uses concealed or open threats to keep his girlfriend anxious and holding onto the relationship, says Casey. He might use statements such as “I don’t even know why I’m here anymore; this isn’t working for me.”

4. You often feel like you’re walking on eggshells around him (or her).
Maybe sometimes you’re given lots of love and affections; at other times you’re given the cold shoulder for no apparent reason, says Casey.

5. You feel confused in the relationship and keep questioning or blaming yourself for making your partner angry or frustrated. Manipulators are skilled at never being to blame for any problem in a relationship.

6. You’re unhappy in your relationship at least 90 percent of the time.
This is a big red flag for anyone in a relationship — whether you’re with a manipulator or not, it’s time to reevaluate why you’re with that person.

7. You’re anxious about telling your partner your plans or about something you’ve bought. If this is the case, you’re most likely being controlled and manipulated, says Casey.

If a few or more of these statements described your relationship, you’re likely with a manipulator, and the bad news is, he is unlikely to change.

“Manipulation is a learned behavior — no one is born with it. It’s very much a survival strategy learned from early childhood and therefore changing the behavior is near impossible,” says Casey. “Your time is better invested in developing strategies to protect yourselves, because you can never change a manipulator’s actions.

In other words, dump the jerk and then look into how you attracted him in the first place. “Women who attract manipulators tend to lack self-worth and assertiveness, and they tend to be people pleasers,” says Casey. “They trust to the point of ignorance and therefore do not realize that they are being manipulated until they have been in emotional turmoil for some time. It can often be years before they see the situation for what it really is.”

But once you do recognize it, you can put a stop to it. “First, take responsibility and own up to being a victim and a target,” says Casey. “Admit your flaws to yourself. And most importantly, get out of the relationship and become who you really are; not something someone else wants you to be.”

Colleen Oakley is a freelance writer who is still pretty good at manipulating her dad — although, he never did buy her a pony. You can find out more about her at her website.

7 Signs You’re in a Manipulative Relationship – MyDaily.

How to Handle Your Roommate’s Significant Other

18 Mar

Your roommate may be scrupulous about paying the bills on time, always washing the dishes, and keeping late-night noise to a minimum. It doesn’t matter. A new boyfriend or girlfriend can transform your otherwise considerate roommate into someone who is a nightmare to live with. Even if your roommate handles the situation with tact and sensitivity, there’s no guarantee you’ll like the new significant other, which is real pain in the butt.

No matter how uncomfortable you feel, it’s best to voice your expectations when you first move in, before issues arise. BEFORE you sign the lease sit down with your future roommate to talk about cleanliness, utility bills, and interior decorating and how you will handle guest/significant others. Even if you’re moving in with a friend you’ve known for years, don’t assume that he or she shares your values or expects the same things. If your roommate ends up crossing the line of what’s acceptable later on, you’ll have firm ground to stand on when you remind him or her of your earlier discussion. Before you broach a discussion, make sure that you’ve thought about how you feel about some of these things:

• Giving out keys: Is it ever acceptable to give apartment keys to a significant other? What about friends and overnight guests?
• Frequency of visits: Is it okay for a boyfriend or girlfriend to hang around the apartment for the weekend? What about weeknights, and if so, how many?
• Utilities and other bills: If a significant other spends a great deal of time in the apartment, should he or she contribute to the utility bills? What about cable?
• Dress: How do you feel about your roommate’s boyfriend walking around in boxer shorts? What about a towel?
• Noise: What’s an acceptable level of noise at night? If it turns out that you can hear things you shouldn’t through the walls, are you comfortable asking your roommate to keep the noise down?
• Groceries: If you buy food jointly, should girlfriends and boyfriends contribute to the grocery fund? If you buy food separately, has your roommate let his girlfriend know that some of the food in the refrigerator is off limits?
It’s harder to bring these things up if you’ve been living with your roommate for a while or if an uncomfortable situation has already erupted in your apartment. When the discussion becomes specific rather than hypothetical, there’s a greater chance that your roommate will take offense. Sometimes, asking your roommate what you can do to improve the situation may work better than asking him or her to change.

Sometimes, a discussion about your roommate’s significant other can turn into something more than you bargained for. A conversation about your own significant other can be a great starting point for a talk about changes your roommate needs to make. Start by asking whether your girlfriend or boyfriend ever does anything to make your roommate uncomfortable or if there’s anything you can do to make situation more manageable. You may discover that there’s a lot you don’t know about either.
If you’ve ever shared an apartment with another person, you probably have a story to tell. Share it with us in the comments section.

via Oh My Apartment.

Pimp Down Pimp Down…3GM needs your help!

14 Mar

Hey guys! Your favorite girls on the mic needs your help for one of our listeners. Pimpin is never easy for girls even in the 21st Century. One of our listeners sent in this letter asking if it’s ok to ask a guy to Prom. Help us help her! Sound off in the comments and or answer the poll!

Dear 3GM,

I listened to your show 3’s a crowd yesterday. You guys are hilarious. All the talk about dating and guys got me to thinking about Prom. My friends want to hook me up for Prom, but I would rather go with my secret crush. There’s this boy who I’m friends with at school. He’s really nice, funny, and fine too. He’s the guy at my school  that  every girl wants. Last I heard  he’s single, so I thought I could ask him to go to prom with me. But would that be kind of wrong? Because I know it’s the boys who are usually supposed to ask. . . Anyway, it’s my senior yr, I really like this guy, and he seems to like me (as a friend)  I really wanted to ask him and go w/ him b/c I figured maybe he’d say yes. I talked to my friend about it, and she thinks I should just go out there, ask him out and tell him how I really feel (she seen the two of us together before, so she thinks he might say yes). I just don’t know what to do! There’s plenty of girls for him to choose from, though . . .I would like both women and men to comment, please. If you think I should ask him, do u have any creative ideas on how to do it? Prom is April 23. His birthday is the Friday before spring break starts.  I was thinking that when I give him his present, I could slide a note in it beforehand (the note would ask him if he’d like to go to prom), and then he’d see it later and maybe think about it over break (if he remembers, of course). Do you think that’s a good idea? I guess I could ask him in person but I thought this would be creative and less embarrassing if he says no.  Also, if I wait till them to ask., do u think it’s too late? How early should I ask before the prom in April? thanks

Sound off in the comments and or answer the poll!

It ONLY Take 2….Sorry #3

13 Mar

Is your friend getting in the way of your relationship? We all of that one friend that’s constantly in the middle of YOUR relationship, always trying to help, but somehow makes it worse. Well we have some news for you, it ONLY takes 2 to tango, so tell your friend to back off and find their own partner before you’re back on the wall looking for one.  Just kidding, you don’t have to be that harsh. Tune in today @ 3:30 as #3GM discusses relationships and the bothersome #3rd wheel. Join the discussion @ (347)637-1690!

-Briana @theonly_b

Getting Lucky Lessons

9 Mar


Ladies can you believe? Why in the world would a group of girls help a bunch of guys “trick us into getting in the ole sackaroo?! If you come across any of the male species using this techniques to get you with your feet up in the air, remember this warning from you favorite girls on the mic, 3GM!

The last thing you’d expect hormonally-charged Spring Break-bound college guys to put in their hands is a book. But if authors Tyler DeAngelo and Brad Emmett have their way, the beaches and bars from Padre island to Daytona Beach will be filled with college men impressing women with newfound red wine knowledge and guitar-playing prowess—skills shrewdly selected to maximize the probability of feminine interest. Hitting shelves just in time for this most seminal of seasons, the book is like earning a bachelor’s degree in becoming the ultimate bachelor.

Learn Just Enough to Get Laid is a goal-oriented guide designed not just for Dummies or Idiots, but for any guy who wants to learn “just enough” of several highly-attractive skills. All the hard work and aggravation was chopped out in the editorial process—what remains is the best short-cuts, and the surest-fire insider secrets to transform even the least accomplished loaf into an irresistible silver-tongued renaissance man in as little as fifteen minutes. Perfect for the guys who aren’t planning on doing much reading this Spring Break, Learn Just Enough to Get Laid features special VideoMarks printed throughout the book. When captured with a smart phone, these barcodes magically link the reader’s cell phone to online video tutorials— making it even easier to learn the skills that will get you laid. Because now that winter’s on its way out, it’s an ideal time for guys to work on ending that other cold streak.

In the spirit of spring break, authors Tyler DeAngelo and Brad Emmett are giving away a free chapter on the Learn Just Enough to Get Laid Facebook page.

via Start Cramming before Spring Break.

Could-have-been love story…when Facebook Flirting fails!

9 Mar

Author Laurie Davis

How can you avoid Facebook flirting fails?

* Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you’ve already been on a date like these two have, don’t hold back! There’s no reason to delete things like “I had a great time the other night” if it’s the truth. If your crush doesn’t reciprocate, at least you’ll never daydream about what if’s.

* Gain flirting momentum. Ask about your match’s interests so you can uncover shared interest and date opportunities. For example:

You: What’s up?

Your Crush: Not much just getting some work done, rockin’ out to Pandora.

You: Fun. What station?

Your Crush: Bruce Springsteen. Don’t judge.

You: haha. I love it! Have you ever seen The Boss live?

Your Crush: Nope. But I did see Maroon 5 last week.

You: LOVE them!! I’m jealous. Do you get to shows often?

Your Crush: Hmm … I wish I did more.

You have all the info you need to ask your crush out! Find some live music that’s within his or her tastes and make plans.

* Don’t IM overwhelm. The conversation in the video was too short, but it’s also possible to go too long. You want to keep your match intrigued and if the conversation gets dull or the topics dwindle, you’ll lose their attention. When you can sense this beginning to happen, say your goodbyes and log off. The goal of IM’ing should be to get offline with each other!

(Special thanks to Bad Boyfriend for sending me the link to this fabulous video!)

via Blog - Online Dating Coach, Dating Expert, Online Dating Help | eFlirt expert.

Love, What’s Race Gotta Do With It?

20 Feb

What’s a 21st-century gal to do in a world where, as the saying goes, all the good guys are either married or gay?

We live in a world full of stereotypes where people honestly believe that – Indian men are smelly, Jewish men are cheap , and black men have big whoo hoos. Even though we have our first black president, unfortunately we are not living in a post-racial moment.

According to a 2010 report by the Pew Research Center, 1 out of 7 new US marriages is interracial or interethnic. From “Yellow Fever,” “Salsa Fever,” “Curry Fever,” “Shiksa Fever,” and the classically taboo “Jungle Fever.”

Today we want to talk about understanding the cultural biases and  challenges of interacial dating including;

Those crazy Asians, they make you leave your shoes at the door, even if you’re wearing Prada. Visiting your Latino boyfriend’s parents with the  understanding that you have to offer to help three times before you know it’s OK to sit down. And most importantly, tread lightly when attempting ghetto talk with black people in general.

Call or Skype us  with your comments today at 3:30PM EST!

Guest include :

  • Alma Hudson is the author of Checkered Fences a story about an interracial relationship in the 1960’s & 1970’s
  • Christelyn Karazin, Editor-in-Chief of a popular blog, Beyond Black & White.
  • Tinu Diver author of “Yes We’re Together

My Goodies…Sex on the first date.

16 Feb

Sex on the first date is a never ending controversy. Does first date nookie enhance the date and encourage a relationship? Or does it communicate that girls are sluts and will bone anyone who will buy them McDonald french fries.  Your choice depends heavily on your intentions. You must decide whether your intentions are to be in a relationship or have a casual partner.

If you are interested in being in a relationship with your date then don’t have sex on the first date. Most men enjoy sex and want sex but they also want to fall in love. These two desires are controlled by you. Your decision sets the tone for the relationship. If you fulfill his sexual desires first you set the tone for a physical relationship. That hinders your ability to actually get to know each other. On the other hand if you become more acquainted and get to know each other first you set the tone for a longer lasting relationship. says that waiting to have sex with your date encourages a more intimate and prolonged relationship but also benefit you sexually as well. Waiting to have sex gives both of you an opportunity to learn little details you may have overlooked if you rushed into sex. Give him chance to learn where you like to be kissed, teased and caressed.

Understand that it is okay to say no to sex on the first date. You must be confident in your decision and be sure to announce it early on. Waiting until both of you are half-naked is a definite no no. Guys view this as a challenge. Your resistance will make him want you even more. His focus will be to get you as hot and bothered and turn your no into a yes.

Ladies let’s face it, life ain’t fair and we women live by a double standard. If your intentions are to have casual sex then by all means enjoy yourself! Just keep it wrapped. Let’s not forget safety first.

On the flip side, if you’re looking for a meaningful relationship forget about doing the hoochie coochie. NO SEXUAL ACTIVITIES…da nadda. There is no such thing as an oral virgin, who wants a bunch of yuck on their hands…need I go on? Y’all get the hint. Ladies listen to your grandma, nobody buys the cow if they are getting the milk for free.  By making him wait for the goodies, he will be that much closer to getting to know you and developing feelings for you. And guess what? Waiting to have sex can do wonders for your love life because he will have time to focus on real intimacy.

Fellas here is a clue, the biggest turn on to us women is a guy who listens and cares about our thoughts and feelings. This is why we are so into Valentines Day. It’s like a mini test that you either pass or fail based on how well you know us and care.

Bottom line ladies he will do and say just about anything for first date nookie. If you want that second date, BE STRONG. Make him wait  a little case of blue balls never killed anyone.  No means no. If he can’t accept no for an answer, kindly show him to the door!

Save Money on V-Day Dinner

10 Feb

So as you all know Valentines Day is staring us in the face. And most people are celebrating it this weekend. *Sigh*

 Sometimes you can never tell the difference between a 5 star restaurant and a 3 star one. Here are some affordable places to take your date. This goes for everyone who wants to save money but still have a romantic dinner.

  • Chili’s Grill and Bar: You may laugh but they offer $20 Dinner For Two: Get An Appetizer & Two Full-Size Entrees For Just $20!
  • Vortex Bar & Grill: Lets not forget they were featured on the hit show Manvs. Food!
  • Taqueria Del Sol
  • Pasta da Pulcinella
  • Geshia House: #3GM EXCLUSIVE : On Sunday its 50% off your entire meal!

This post was brought to you by your favorite girl on the mic,

